It’s a question people have been asking forever.  Or, at least for the past hundred years or so.  If you’re concerned with how you look and feel, then you’ve asked that question.

How to lose weight is not a big mystery and is really simple in theory, but it’s extremely hard to do.  Losing weight takes a lot of commitment and a desire to do it correctly and in a way that gets lasting results.

Desire and commitment are necessary because there will be changes in your lifestyle, some minor hunger, a lot of temptation and it’ll be easy to give up before you lose any significant amount of weight.

There’s a great little book called “THE FUN OF GETTING THIN by SAMUEL G. BLYTHE“, only 18 pages, sixteen if you don’t count the title and contents pages, that chronicles one guy’s personal journey from fat to fit. Published in 1912, this little book is a good read, fast and humorous.   Click Here and get a copy for yourself.  It’s free to download and doesn’t offer any advice but it gives a good outline of the effort that was required to make it from fat to thin 100 years ago.

How To Lose Weight

Every weight loss ad or commercial has a disclaimer “weight loss as a result of a reduced calorie diet and exercise program” or something like that. That tells me that any program will help you lose weight if you follow the formula that’s been used forever to lose weight.

You don’t have to use any expensive commercial products or buy any exercise machines to lose weight. Unless you have a serious medical condition, only your doctor will know for sure, all you really need is a desire and a willingness to make small changes in your lifestyle.

Food is intended for sustenance and nutrition. Food is meant to provide essential nutrients, provide us with energy to work and is essential for the proper physical development of children.

Somewhere along the way, People have seriously lost touch with this fact. Of course, the endless rows of goodies at the supermarket, and unlimited choices of junk food have not helped us in any way.

Unhealthy Eating Habits

Healthy eating still eludes many of us, as many countries struggle with obesity. Get a copy of “11 Signs of Unhealthy Eating Habits” and see if you have any that might be keeping you from reaching your weight loss goals.

Eating healthy is not hard..It’s really all about the choices we make. Our relationship to food can have a significant impact on our quality of life.

Many people are lucky enough to go through life without ever having to give a second thought about what they eat or how they feed their bodies. Other people can become so completely consumed and overwhelmed by eating that their relationship with food becomes unhealthy.

Download a free copy of “Understanding A Healthy Relationship To Food” and Learn how your relationship with food can affect your effort to lose weight.

There’s so much free information available it can easily get overwhelming.  The good thing is that most of it works, but the bad thing is everything won’t work for everyone.  You have to find something that will fit your lifestyle and you can live with for a long time.

That being said, there are literally thousands of products, from herbs to supplements, commercial programs and equipment to help trim off the pounds. But, almost every one has a disclaimer that states “Weight loss is part of a reduced calorie diet and exercise program”.

The rule of thumb is that one pound of weight (or fat) is equal to 3500 calories. If you want to lose a pound of weight, all you have to do is find a way to eliminate 3500 calories of fat from your body or keep from eating 3500 calories. Easier said than done, but not impossible. Try this; divide 3500 calories by the number of days you would like to lose one pound. If it’s one pound in seven days (3500 / 7 = 500), find a way to take 500 calories out of your diet every day and you should be one pound lighter by the end of the week. How hard is that?

If you want to maintain your weight, you have to make your body use all the calories you take in.

If you really want to lose some weight, follow the free tips offered in the recent posts (I suggest starting with “Creating A Weight Loss Plan“) on this website, get a free copy of  “Weight Loss Diet Tips 101″  and stay committed to changing your life.

With a little research, you’ll find something you’re willing to do and figure out how to lose weight.  Click on “Creating A Weight Loss Plan” now and get started today.

alli® is the #1 doctor recommended over-the-counter weight loss aid that has been clinically proven to work. Alli is the only one that has been evaluated and approved by the FDA. alli works by keeping your body from absorbing about 25% of the fat that you eat.

If you’re overweight, and dieting and exercise haven’t worked for you, talk to your doctor about using alli. But remember, this should only be part of your weight loss plan. You still have to follow a healthy lifestyle that involves regular exercise and eating right. Click here to buy from Amazon.

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Creating A Weight Loss Plan

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Permanent weight loss is a lifetime self improvement goal that needs to be carefully thought out.  When you decide to lose weight, a plan is absolutely essential to being successful.  You need to... READ MORE

Weight Loss Tips

The only reason to lose weight is to improve your appearance, your health, or both!  If you want to do either of those, you may be looking for advice.  The good news is... READ MORE

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